At ReaderCon This Weekend

July 6th, 2015

This weekend I’m at ReaderCon again! On two panels, discussing magazines and secondary-world settings:

  • Fri 2 PM, The Future of Speculative Magazines also including Leah Bobet of Ideomancer, Neil Clarke of Clarkesworld, and Ellen Datlow of countless countless anthologies.
  • Sat noon, Our Panel of Experts…, answering audience questions about secondary-world settings.

I’ll have BCS and anthology postcards. Feel free to drop by either panel or stop me in the halls (or the bar…)

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Room 101 Reunion!

May 22nd, 2015

2/3rds Reunion of Room 101, 9.7 years later! Alas not pictured, Justin Howe.

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For WFA, Jeanne Cavelos

May 20th, 2015

World Fantasy Award nominating ballots are due by May 31.

For the WFA for Special Award Non-Professional, I’m nominating Jeanne Cavelos.

For 20 years, Jeanne has run and been the primary lecturer at the Odyssey writing workshop; six weeks every summer, plus a seventh week of alumni workshop, plus a podcast and a crit service, and in recent years also online classes in the fall, winter, and spring. That would be like one award-winning author/editor running Clarion, and teaching four of the six weeks there, and running Viable Paradise, plus the podcasts and online classes. For 20 years.

Odyssey doesn’t get as much notice as the other famous six-week workshops, but it’s as good if not better (more consistency in the lectures), its graduates have gone on to as great a heights, and it’s staggering to think the amount of work Jeanne has put in, for 20 years. A contribution to the field that’s well worthy of such an award.

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May 12th, 2015

Here’s the audio mixer window for the final version of this week’s BCS podcast, a large-cast reading in honor of our 150th episode.

The story is by Bill Powell; featuring the narratorial talents of Michael J DeLuca, Tina Connolly, Bill Powell, and myself. It’s called “The Punctuality Machine, Or, A Steampunk Libretto,” a stage play featuring recitations and spoken songs (!) and two separate choruses (!). Look for it on Thursday!

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