Awesome Props for BCS

Over the weekend, my magazine Beneath Ceaseless Skies got two wonderful recognitions.

First, SFWA, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, deemed us an official SFWA pro market. Because we’ve met the qualifications since our first issue, any story in BCS in the past or future can be used to qualify the author for membership in SFWA. The magazine of course was designed to meet SFWA’s requirements from the start, and now it’s great to have their official stamp of approval.

Also, reviewer and editor Rich Horton gave BCS a glowing review in his year-end summaries of F/SF magazines. He said we “routinely publish fine adventure fantasy” and “have become a really important source of fantasy.”

He also noted that BCS is “the fourth largest source of new fiction among magazines and webzines, behind only the traditional ‘Big Three'”, which are Asimov’s, Analog, and F&SF. That is really astounding. I knew we had published over 350,000 words of short fiction last year, but I didn’t realize how that compared to other magazines.

I am delighted at both of these recognitions. The magazine is a joy to run, but it’s also an immense labor, so it is great to see it getting more and higher-profile recognition.

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