At Capclave This Weekend
I will be at Capclave, the D.C.-area SF/F convention, this weekend Oct. 23.
At noon on Saturday I will be on a panel about e-publishing, in my role as editor and publisher of Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Neil Clarke IIRC is also on that panel, and I always learn a lot from him.
At 3:30 on Saturday, I have a reading, in my role as neo-pro writer. I’m not sure yet what I’ll read from–I have a short humorous piece called “The Very Strange Weird of Endart Sscowth” forthcoming in Space and Time, so I could read from that,or I could read from one of a couple newer pieces that are quite cool but haven’t yet found homes.
The GOH is Connie Willis, who was one of my instructors at the Taos Toolbox workshop back in 2007. I hope to have a moment to speak with her.
And Saturday evening is the ceremony for the WSFA Small Press Award, given to a small press-published story every year. One of the best-reviewed stories from BCS last year–“The Pirate Captain’s Daughter” by Yoon Ha Lee–is a Finalist. Best of luck to Yoon!
If you see me in the halls, please do say hello, and grab a shiny BCS flyer!
Tags: BCS, HM, SF/F, Very Strange Weird, writing