Archive for the ‘SF/F’ Category

No Grim Without Company

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

For the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, I’m nominating Glen Cook.

The Black Company, back in 1984, started the whole ‘dark’ or ‘gritty’ epic fantasy thing, thirty years ago, and put the epic fantasy mercenary company on the map. It also featured moral ambiguity, another hallmark of recent epic fantasy, in stark contrast to the majority of other epic fantasy in the 80s, which was still starkly good vs. eeevil.

Add in those cool Garrett the medieval private eye novels, and the fact that The Black Company became a long series of stand-alone mid-sized novels, and that is a great lifetime achievement in fantasy.

State of Short Fiction Roundtable at BSFS this Saturday

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

On Saturday night, I will be participating in a roundtable on the State of Short Fiction, at the Baltimore Science Fiction Society.

The other panelists include author Erica Satifka, editor and publisher Jonathan Landen (Daily Science Fiction), moderator and author Sarah Pinsker, editor and publisher Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld), editor and podcaster Norm Sherman (Drabblecast), and editor and publisher Bill Campbell (Mothership).

Come to the BSFS clubhouse in east Baltimore and hear about issues in the short fiction field, ideas about readership and authorship and diversity, what editors (don’t) want, and much more!

UPDATE:  the BSFS panel was videotaped, and the video is on youtube:

At Capclave This Weekend

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

I’m at Capclave, my local D.C.-area F/SF con (where reading is not extinct!), this weekend.

I’m on four panels, all dealing with online magazines or podcasting or secondary-world fantasy:

  • Friday 7:00 pm: New Media, New Markets, New Business Models (a review of notable genre ezines, their forms and business models)
  • Saturday 2:00 pm: World’s Shortest Epics (epic fantasy in short fiction; what makes it work and who’s doing it)
  • Saturday 3:00 pm: Hearing Voices? (a survey of podcasts)
  • Saturday 5:00 pm: The Evolution of Fantasy (modern fantasy trends and tastes)

I also have a reading Friday at 8:00 pm, where I may read something forthcoming in BCS or some of my own fiction. Drop by and find out!

Other than that, I’ll be wandering the halls with plenty of BCS flyers and anthology-cover postcards, in the bar, or trawling the party floor.  Feel free to say hello!

At WorldCon This Weekend

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

This weekend I’ll be at WorldCon this weekend, in San Antonio, Texas. (Right near The Alamo, apparently.)

I’m not on any panels, although I highly recommend the State of Sword & Sorcery: New Trends one Friday at 4PM. It features BCS authors and novelists Saladin Ahmed and Chris Willrich and Pyr Books editor/BCS fan Lou Anders. That sounds like an awesome topic, a lot like the S&S panel I moderated at World Fantasy 2010, and I’m bummed that I won’t be at the con yet by then.

But I will be out and about Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night, I’m planning to hit this bar-hosted author event that will include BCS authors Cat Rambo, Brad Beaulieu, Ann Leckie, and Saladin Ahmed.

Sunday night I’ll be at the Hugo Awards banquet, where BCS has the honor of being a nominee for Best Semiprozine. (The ceremony apparently will be streamed live at In case you want to see me in a suit and tie.)

I will have a stack of BCS flyers and some brand new postcards of the forthcoming Best of BCS Year Four anthology. If you see me wandering the cavernous convention center or the party floor of the hotel late in the small hours, feel free to say hello!